The purpose of the Association is to:
Foster and perpetuate ties of comradeship between former Commandos of World War 2 Independent Companies/Commando Squadrons, former members of post-world War 2 Australian Commando and Special Forces Units and serving members who have been/or are on the posted strength of a current, former, unit which has been, or is now part of Special Operations Command (SOCOMD).
Promote activities of a ceremonial commemorative, memorial, sporting, or social character for the benefit of members and families, including close collaboration with, and full support of, SOCOMD.
Foster and develop the Association's support for the Commando Welfare Trust and Patriotic Funds in support of its eligible members.
Assist former Commandos and former members of SOCOMD including surviving dependents with appropriate support.
Ensure current serving members are aware of the benefits of being a member of the Australian Commando Association.
Concentrate its efforts on veterans' affairs via representation and advocacy means to all relevant Authorities and/or other parties.
Form and support relationships with other special forces, military and kindred associations for the mutual benefit of the wider Australian Commando community.
Adopt any other objectives agreed upon in pursuance of a Special Resolution in accordance with the Constitution and its provisions.

Did you or a family member serve with: WW2 Commandos, 1 Commando Coy, 2 Commando Coy, 1st Commando Regiment, 4 RAR (Commando), 2nd Commando Regiment, 126 Commando Signals Squadron, or 301 Signals Squadron? Why not become a member of the Australian Commando
Association. There are a number of membership types offered for those wishing to join the ACA.
When filling out the membership application below please select the correct membership type that best describes the applicant:
Must have been on the posted strength of either one or more of a current, or former, Australian Commando Unit from WW2 till present day. You do not need to be “green beret qualified” to be a full member.
Must be a current serving Member, or former member, of the Australian Defence Forces and on the posted strength of either one or more of the current or former Australian Commando units; or a person who fits the above criteria who lives in a rural area and cannot commit to a State Association,
or who lives in a State where there is no ACA State Association. Such current serving SOCOMD Members will be administered under the “Protected Identity protocols” and will be administered through the E-Member Secretary within the National Association.
A person who has been a member (or is still a member) of a like-minded military Unit, or a Unit that is/has directly supported Australian Commando Units.
Family or Relatives of a Full or Affiliate member (or former member)
A person who is (or has) provided significant service/support to the Association, and who strongly identifies with the objectives, values, and ethos of the Association.
A Partner or immediate Child of a previous or current Member of the Australian Commando Association.
You must be a financial member of the Australian
Commando Association to view the following Members Access Areas which contain a number of useful links and information for our members?
While our Store, History Pages, Memorial and Honour
Pages and our State Association Pages are accessible to the general public, the following information is only available to financial Association Members via a login ID and password verification.
The tri-annual Commando News is the official newsletter magazine of the Australian Commando Association.
ACA Constitution - Our mission is to foster and perpetuate ties of comradeship, between all serving and x-serving Commandos, who has been a member (or still a member) as well as those of likeminded military units, family members, and to encourage the spirit of loyalty to Australia and to encourage former Commandos to take an active part in matters of national importance, particularly defence.
The video gallery contains a number of general interest videos about Commandos, their training and options.
The Veteran Information and articles section contains a number of useful links covering range of veteran’s issues. The National Commando Association Committee will add links and documents here regularly that may be of interest to Veterans and their families.
The support services section provides information on businesses that provide various services to our members.
Request For Service Records
The ACA does not hold any service records for current or former serving commandos. However clicking the button below and downloading the request form, some service records may be available. Once the form is completed it must be emailed to: adf.records@defence.gov.au

The ACA uses Facebook and Instagram social media accounts. Current members of any state or national Commando Associations are also invited to join a closed Facebook group where members can discuss and share private information.
The link to the closed ACA Facebook group can be obtained from your National Member. Members are asked to answer the two questions upon requesting to join, then one of the group admins will confirm membership and add you to the closed group.