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2 Commando Association



The inaugural meeting of 2 Commando Association was held on the 30th of March 1983 at the instigation of Roman Stuczynski, who had long seen the value of such an organisation. Roman's vision, that he worked tirelessly to bring about, was to give past and present members of 2 Commando Company a traditional base from which to foster and perpetuate ties of comradeship amongst past and serving members of Australian Commando and Special Force units.

There was always a very strong spirit among past 2 Company members. Informal gatherings were held on regular occasions, with attendance ranging from ten or so up to, occasionally, about fifty people. After sporadic discussion over a number of years it was finally agreed that a formal organisation should be set up.

Roman, Geoff Woodman, Rob Prior and others had early discussions before the inaugural meeting was arranged. Geoff Crabtree, Barry Rust and Peter Lynch contacted 1 Commando Association, located in Sydney, who were extremely helpful and provided copies of their constitution to use as a model. Roman also wrote to as many people as possible inviting them to the inaugural meeting to be held in the Officers Mess at Fort Gellibrand.

The OC at the time, Major Steve Blinkhorn, was extremely supportive of the concept of an Association of past and present members of the Unit.

Present at the historic first meeting were Doug Allen, Leonard Allen, current OC Major Steve Blinkhorn, Geoff Crabtree, Barry Creighton, Paul Dahan, John De Kruiff, David Gibson, Lyn Gardiner, Mack Hinds, Barry Hughes, Keith Hughes, Peter Lynch, Bob McDowell, John McLean, David Maughan, Col Mowbray, Bruce Parker, Rob Prior, Philip Roff, Barry Rust, Richard Rutkowski, Doug Scott, Roman Stuczynski, Jim Trainor, Keith Veal, Des Weller, Geoff Woodman.

Roman Stuczynski chaired the meeting, welcomed those present and said that a number of apologies had been received. He also regretted very much the fact that a hold-up in the mail had delayed the notice of meeting reaching potential members. 

Roman explained that the proposed Rules of the Association had been modelled on those of 1 Commando Association.

The motion "That the Proposed Rules of 2 Commando Association as circulated be adopted" was moved by David Gibson and seconded by Doug Scott.

The proposed rules of 2 Commando Association, including an amendment that "the Officer Commanding the Unit or his nominee will be a member of the Committee ex officio", were adopted unanimously.

The OC, Major Steve Blinkhorn took the chair for the election of office bearers which followed. The Committee elected to hold office until the next annual general meeting in 1984 was: President, Roman Stuczynski; Vice-President, Geoff Crabtree; Secretary, Philip Roff and Treasurer, David Maughan.

Other committee members elected were Barry Rust and Geoff Woodman, with the incumbent OC, Major Steve Blinkhorn co-opted as an ex-officio member as specified in the newly created constitution.

A number of suggestions were made for activities which members of the newly formed Association could conduct or take part in. These included social activities with the Unit, building up a record of the Unit's activities and personnel, help with Unit training and the production of an Association newsletter. 

The Association became incorporated in 1987 affording it protection in law.

2 Commando Association had formal affiliations, or strong informal links, with the AATTV, BAFA, 1 Commando Association, M and Z Commando Associations, Royal Marines Association, 2/4 Commando Association, SAS Association, Z Special Force Association and the Rhodesian Veterans Association, and through the Company, 45 Royal Marine Commando. These affiliations and links carry on today.


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